Friday, September 16, 2011

Hermes Wannabes

Talking About The Abstraction or T.A.T.A. is a fashion brand in Japan which has men, ladies and children fashion. Fake photo print is their expertise which they come up copying Hermes bags. The fake photo print bag has 2 sizes, small and large. The bag is made out of teflon which is dirt and water proof. 

Ostrich birkin

Another copycat brand from Taiwan named BANANE TAIPEI. These are canvas bags printed with a photograph of a Birkin bag. From being an imitator to selling eco-friendly bags, this brand is severely getting the ladies' attention. 

The bag costs Php4,000 or more! I don't have vivid information about the brand since I just recently saw it on the internet. I found this bag cute at first though I wouldn't spend for a Php4,000 copycat bag even though its an eco-friendly bag. Come'on I can buy a canvass bag 100 times more attractive than this.

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